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Radmot Aug 25, 2024 1:02:22 PM

CNC machining in automation and robotics

Although it is pretty obvious – manufacturing parts for numerically controlled devices (mills, lathes, and assembly robots) is based on CNC machining.  Contemporary production plants – focused on production parts with such technology – often manufacture parts for CNC devices or assembly robots, used in the automatized lines. 

Frame parts, electrical actuators, or spindles are machined by devices that also can use manufactured parts.  What are the practical applications of CNC services for automation and robotics industries – especially those focused on increasing the effectiveness of production?

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CNC machining in automatics: high speed of production provides… high quality of machining

The advantages of CNC technology (computer numerical control) have been known for decades. These solutions provide high precision of work and efficiency of production, which is impossible to achieve with traditional – automatic – devices. These are the features that are also required by a vast variety of numerically controlled devices. 

Parts manufactured with minimal tolerances and true to technical specifications can deliver better work quality and maintain an acceptable effect of work longer. That quality of manufacture translates to fewer problems during operation and decreases the possible (negative) impact on the rest of the system. 

The parts for the CNC machines are often manufactured with: 

  • CNC milling – that technology is often used to shape complicated parts of lathe and mills spindle, monolithic connectors or frame parts and profiles for numerically controlled devices, 
  • CNC turning – allows the initial machining of spindles and other cylindrical shape parts, 
  • CNC grinding – used mainly during finishing processing of parts to achieve a smooth surface, 
  • CNC cutters and laser markers – often used for loosening load-bearing profiles and engraving permanent markings on the surface of parts.

Manufacturing parts for an automated CNC device – based on CNC technology – allows an increase in productivity and maintains almost spotless compatibility due to the repeatability of achieved dimensions. It is important from the perspective of assembling new devices, and their maintenance that includes replacement of worn parts (eg. due to long time stress). Precisely manufactured parts can be easily mounted – even if manufactured in different batches or companies. Work efficiency – provided by such parts made true to the specification – helps to hold device calibration for longer. 


Machines that make machines: CNC machining in robotics

Robotics – precisely called automatized assembly lines – are one of the key features of the contemporary automotive industry, but not only. Practically every firm, plant, or shop focused on assembling bigger systems from smaller elements uses – to some extent – some kind of robotization. Such solutions allow for increasing work speed, especially focused on mounting bigger and repeatable parts (eg. the body of a car) or assembling very complex and precise systems (eg. electronic industry). 

Robotized devices execute precisely programmed sequences of movements that are focused on installing the right parts in the right place. Parts for industrial robots are manufactured mainly with numerically controlled devices. Specialized pliers, robot arms, or actuators – these are types of elements that are most often milled or turned with CNC-driven devices. The reason for that is simple – higher efficiency of work, and almost spotless precision make the assembly of such robotic devices easier and its maintenance – simpler. 

On the other hand – manufacturing computer systems to control such robotized devices would be hard or even impossible without CNC devices. To produce complex chips, often in technology of 10 nanometers and below, the numerical control is irreplaceable. Even the most meticulous (human) operator cannot repeatedly build microchips efficiently and fast enough to compete with computerized systems. Such correlations show the complexity of contemporary numerically controlled devices. It is used in almost every step of manufacturing devices that are used for… CNC machining. From the biggest of profiles, through the spindles and robot pillars, to controlling elements.

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Types of material used in CNC manufacturing for automation and robotics

Contemporary machining is drifting slowly from traditional alloys toward highly efficient polymers, but still aluminum, steel, or copper are crucial materials for the production of parts for industry-grade robots or CNC devices. Good (often: very good) mechanical parameters, low cost of material, and overall familiarity with materials translate to the usage of the following types of material to manufacture parts for automation and robotics industries: 

  • a vast variety of aluminum alloys – that material provides low mass and good stiffness (important especially for profiles used in CNC devices). A vast variety of alloy types makes the selection of the right one easier – not only from the perspective of the designer/engineer but also from the machining plant. Such availability can be also a source of cost optimization due to the fact some alloys can maintain acceptable parameters and be cheaper, especially for the mass manufacturing process, 
  • a vast variety of iron alloys – many types of additives can change the properties of the final alloy. Contemporary high-performance steels (with the addition of chromium or molybdenum) are hard to replace in manufacturing parts that are exposed to a high amount of force and torque. Because of that lathe and mill spindles or robot pliers are usually made out of some type of iron alloy, 
  • a vast variety of polymers – the development in material sciences and production of modern polymers makes these materials perfect for the device's chassis and often even frame elements. Modern polymers can provide good enough mechanical and engineering parameters – because of that can replace (to some extent) alloys in production parts for the automation and robotics industry. Other advantages of these materials are marginal conductivity and good vibration dampening. It is worth mentioning that the chassis can not be so important for the assembly robots, but for the CNC machining devices such elements can provide protection for the working area and for the operators. 

Selection of the right technology to manufacture parts for the CNC devices and assembly robots can be challenging but even more important is the selection of the right contractor. In RADMOT we have provided machining services for over two decades. Our operators have in-depth knowledge in the area of manufacturing, selection of the right materials, and quality control. 

These features help us to provide the highest quality of parts manufacturing. 


One order, many benefits - this is how you work with RADMOT

At RADMOT, we offer CNC milling services, CNC turning services, as well as many additional services, including washing, aluminum anodizing, laser marking and assembly. We have at your disposal over 80 modern machines in our machine park, all from renowned manufacturers. Download the presentation and check on which machine tools we produce CNC turned parts and CNC milled parts.

Contact us and tell us what you need. We have been providing CNC services for almost 40 years. Our valuation is completely free. And if you're in doubt about which technology will work best for you, our expertise is at your service.

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